The Master Cleanse
Health is more than the mere absence of disease. It's the presence of a superior state of being—a vitality that has to be worked for each and every day of your life. You cannot get it in a bottle or from doctors. It's got to be gotten through diet, exercise, rest and recreation and positive attitudes of mind—working all together every single day of your life.
Dorian 'Doc' Paskowitz, Surfwise
The Master Cleanse is, in essence, a short 'time-out' break from a lifetime of eating without thought, eating that is, for the most part, just a lifelong collection of habits. It provides a refreshing pause that will allow your body time to focus its energy and resources internally and, given enough time, heal, renew and revitalise itself. Your digestive, elimination and immune systems will be refreshed and invigorated. You may also gain relief from an array of health issues that may be plaguing you, ranging from high blood pressure to joint pain, while losing weight and gaining energy, mental clarity and physical flexibility.
100% Natural
Yes, the really great news is that it's 100% natural. No pills, no gadgets, no bull! There are no calorie calculations, no complex recipes or weird, exotic menus. Everything important that you need is now available right here online and it's all a total breeze to prepare.
Follow the simple regimen to the letter for at least ten days and it will, without question, change you. The change will happen almost automatically, and the longer the Cleanse, the more profound and permanent this change will be. And, as your body becomes healthier, your state of mind will improve, and you will become more positive, more motivated, more productive and more content in every aspect of your life.
A Fantastic Gift of Health
The Master Cleanse is so much more than just a detox programme or weight-loss diet. It is a powerful tool for personal transformation and revitalisation, one that can be used again and again to set yourself straight and stay on track. It is a fantastic gift for anyone who is looking for a natural, simple and effective way to improve their health and boost their sense of well-being, both physically and emotionally. It is an incredible catalyst for a lifelong improvement in diet and lifestyle and one of the most empowering and satisfying things you could ever do for yourself.
What is The Master Cleanse?
When we finally become sick of being sick, then we are ready to learn the truth and the truth shall set us free. This diet will prove that no one needs to live with diseases. Lifetime freedom from disease can become a reality.
Stanley Burroughs in The Master Cleanser
The Master Cleanse, or 'Lemonade Diet' as it is often known, is a liquid mono-diet formulated to trigger and complement your body's own cleansing and detox processes. It is designed to clean the digestive and elimination tract and allow the body time to mobilise and flush its built-up stores of toxins, old waste and unhealthy tissue. The Cleanse is an important first step in any natural healing process as it will reinvigorate the immune system.
Improving Lives
Conceived in the early 1940's by Stanley Burroughs, an American Nautralist Healer, the Master Cleanse was tested and refined in practice before its first publication in his book, The Master Cleanser, in 1976. Since then the diet has changed and improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Most of them have experienced amazing results, from rapid weight-loss to the disappearance of health problems they have suffered with for years.
A Very Special Lemonade
The regimen consists of a lemonade mixture made with fresh lemon juice, organic grade B maple syrup, spring water and a little cayenne pepper. Other than some herbal laxative tea before bed, and a 'salt water flush' on waking in the morning to help waste removal, that is all that will be consumed for at least ten days before the fast is gently broken over the next three days. The Cleanse can be continued up to forty days and beyond, often delivering ever-increasing benefits. A longer Cleanse is always far more beneficial than a shorter one, with two to four weeks often considered a first-time ideal, especially for older people and those with pressing health issues. Shorter fasts of ten to fourteen days may (and should) also be repeated up to four times a year.
Rejuvenating Mind, Body & Spirit
The Master Cleanse is not just a quick weight-loss plan, nor is it a magic cure for all diseases. It is a powerful tool for personal transformation, self-healing and physical and emotional rejuvenation that can be used by almost everyone, at any age, with the same astounding results.
Unlike a 'true' (water only) fast, the Master Cleanse is a diet regimen that will dovetail into your daily life with relative ease, allowing you to continue going about your daily business. Within a few days of starting you will be able to resume regular physical activity, including playing sport, experiencing higher energy levels, mental clarity and improved productivity.
Why Do We Need The Master Cleanse?
- To cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system
- To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles
- To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels
- To build a healthy blood stream
- To keep youth and elasticity regardless of our years.
Stanley Burroughs in The Master Cleanser
We wash our clothes, we wash our cars and we clean our houses inside and out. We wash our bodies almost every single day. On the outside. Yet, despite the fact that we feed ourselves good, bad and indifferent food on an almost continuous basis, we never ever get around to any internal washing at all!
But why do we need cleanse our bodies at all? Surely nature has equipped us to take care of everything without any radical intervention? In an ideal world that would probably be true, but take a look at your diet and lifestyle today and ask yourself just how natural it is. If our diet really was wholesome and healthy we wouldn't need to intervene at all. But, of course, it isn't.
You Are What You Eat
Almost all of the fresh food we eat has residues of the highly poisonous pesticides and other noxious chemicals added to the soil by farmers. Animals whose flesh we will consume are routinely fed antibiotics and growth hormones, all toxic to our bodies. We exacerbate these problems by eating foods that are highly processed and nutrient-poor. They are usually also difficult to digest and include high levels of refined flours, preservatives, salt, sugars and unhealthy fats. And we eat far too much of them. It's certainly no accident that we often feel tired and bloated after meals.
Years of foolish eating are manifested in pounds of unnecessary fat and toxins stored all over the body. As we pack it away in the back of our mind, our body packs it away on our belly, thighs, hips...wherever it can. Our cleaning and elimination organs become overloaded and our system begins to function less and less optimally. Gradually we become totally desensitised to the damage we are doing to ourselves and get quite accustomed to all the resulting aches and pains, and the stiffness in muscles and joints. Eventually we hardly notice the deterioration, and it disappears from our thoughts as food and eating become subconscious habits. Ineviatably it leads directly to disease.
A Powerful Catalyst for Self-Healing
It's obvious to a great many of us that our bodies are not in peak condition and can certainly do with a little help. That help is at hand in the form of the Master Cleanse, one of the most powerful catalysts for self-healing I have ever come across. Cleansing is necessary to keep our bodies functioning at their very best.
The longer the fast, the more uninterrupted time the body will have to apply its awesome regenerative powers to this healing process. And, as the state of our health begins to improve, so does our state of mind, becoming ever more positive. Our physical sensitivity returns and we slowly begin to feel the empowerment that comes from self-healing and regaining conscious control over our health, our eating and our lives.
Fasting is the simplest, easiest and most effective way to re-discover that we do indeed have the power to heal and the freedom (and responsibility) to take control of our own bodies.
When Should I Cleanse?
- When sickness has developed, and for all acute and chronic conditions
- When the digestive system needs a rest and a cleansing
- When overweight has become a problem
- When better assimilation and building of body tissue is needed.
Stanley Burroughs in The Master Cleanser
It's hard to imagine anyone who will not derive benefit from the Cleanse at any point in their lives. If you're just not feeling as good as you feel you should, or you just want to feel a whole lot better and more youthful than you do right now, the Master Cleanse will be good for you.
Physical Revitalisation
Cleansing is necessary to keep our bodies functioning at their very best. Pollution from the environment, stress, and chemical additives (pesticides, preservatives, colourings and flavourings) in our water and food are stored in organs and fatty tissue and build up in our bodies over time. Cleansing this toxic load can help to boost the immune system, improve vitality, and alleviate headaches, allergies, fatigue, pain, arthritis, joint pain and numerous other symptoms.
Carrying Too Much Weight
If you are overweight, even obese, and cannot seem to find the ability to make the necessary changes in your diet and lifestyle, it is time to try your first long Master Cleanse. Not only will it be immensely beneficial for you physically, but it will also improve your emotional outlook. As your health condition improves, and your mind becomes more positive, so your motivation will increase. The tangible feedback you get from your body will encourage you to continue making permanent, healthier lifestyle and diet changes.
An Investment in Health
Ultimately, you are the person most interested in achieving optimal health for yourself and you are the person who will benefit the most. Cleansing may reduce, eliminate or reverse any number of health issues that may be bothering you or that might get worse in time, including 'chronic' conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and aging. The Master Cleanse is an investment in your future state of health, vitality and well-being that will deliver phenomenal returns.
How Does The Master Cleanse Work?
The basic cause [of disease] is the habits of improper diet, inadequate exercise [and] negative mental attitudes...which combine to produce toxic conditions and malfunction of our bodies. The elimination of the cause of illness is the obvious and only way to healing and health.
Stanley Burroughs in The Master Cleanser
Almost every single 'dis-ease' or other health 'condition' that we might have, large or small, including many we commonly consider 'serious' and 'chronic,' can be traced back to three main sources: what we consume (purposely and inadvertantly), stress and a lack of natural and healthy exercise. The Master Cleanse will physically address the shortcomings of your diet and hopefully change the way you value and appreciate your good health enough for you to address the others.
Turning Off the Tap
There is only one way to properly address and reverse our bad eating and tendency towards illness: cleanse and detoxify the body, and then begin to regularly feed it enough of the proper nutrients that it needs and can use for healthy regeneration. A body in good condition is your best weapon against any illness or disease.
The first crucial step is to turn off the tap and give your body the time it needs for self-healing. This is why no solid foods are consumed while on the Cleanse - a crucial feature that allows the body to shift its focus and resources to internal housekeeping. As its main function is to break down and liquify foods for assimilation, the digestive system is almost completely shut down.
Energy is now diverted away from the digestive system and the body begins to detoxify and clean out. Enzymes, essential for cleansing and rebuilding on the cellular level, are freed from the job of digesting food and become available for other important metabolic functions.
Rinse, Flush and Repeat
The lemon juice and the cayenne pepper have a beneficial alkalising effect and help to break up and loosen waste and mucous in the colon and other areas of the body. Diseased and dead tissue is broken down and reused or removed, mucous is cleared from the lungs and sinuses, impacted waste is loosened and cleared from the intestines, stored fat is recycled into energy, toxins are mobilised for elimination, damaged organs are repaired and the immune system is reinvigorated.
The next step is to flush the loosened waste and toxins out of the system on a regular basis, clearing and cleaning the colon (large intestine) so that it no longer feeds its excesses back into the bloodstream, burdening the cleansing organs like the liver.
While the Cleanse continues this cycle increases in efficiency as the body digs ever deeper into its backlog, clearing, cleaning and rebuilding. As it does, a myriad of long-standing health issues are resolved and the internal organs are rejuvenated and begin functioning effectively and efficiently again.
What Can I Expect From The Master Cleanse?
When properly implemented, the Master Cleanse will wash, purge and clear your body and mind. It will restore your physical sensitivity and once again make you fully conscious of what you eat and the effect it has on you. It will put you firmly back in the driver's seat to take responsibility for your own personal health and well-being with a new sense of freedom and empowerment. A healing process has been initiated that will continue long after the fast is terminated, and if the effort continues with healthy eating, the body will be youthfully rejuvenated and re-energised.
Unleash your Healing Power
In the first few days you might experience a range of detox symptoms which may include a headache, various aches and pains, especially in the lower back region. You may come down with colds or 'flu symptoms and sometimes even feel the pains of old wounds and injuries as your body gets about its business of cleaning out and healing. Some people have a harder time during the detox phase but most have hardly any problems. Your experience will be as different and unique as your particular circumstances are.
You will begin to feel an increase in your energy levels from around the fourth or fifth day. As your body begins to improve your head begins to clear as well. Overweight people will be losing weight at a rate which can sometimes exceed two kilos a day. People who are not overweight often don't lose any weight at all after an initial water loss, sometimes they even gain a little weight over the duration of the Cleanse.
Better Health in Abundance
While the physical benefits of the Cleanse will vary depending on your current health condition, here are some of the many benefits people have received from Cleansing:
- Rapid weight-loss with little or no hunger
- Increased energy and physical vitality
- Detoxification, breaking down fat reserves, mobilising and eliminating toxins
- Mental clarity and a more positive frame of mind
- Invigoration of the digestion, elimination and immune systems
- Resolution of many inflammatory processes such as rheumatoid arthritis, swelling and joint pains
- A catalyst to overcome addictions through the dissipation of cravings
- Relief from allergies like hay fever and asthma
- Dissipation of fluid accumulations in the legs and abdomen
- Correction and normalisation of high blood pressure
- Slowing the metabolism, while increasing protein and hormone production
- Deeper and more restful sleep
- Improving the elasticity and clarity of the skin
- Cleaning and brightening of the eyes
- Reversal of many aging signs and processes
- Restoration of taste and smell sensitivity and an appreciation for natural wholesome foods
- Increased physical flexibility.
And to top it all the Master Cleanse will revolutionise the way you think about food and eating, providing you with the motivation and enthusiasm you need to start shifting to a healthier diet and lifestyle.
Can you think of something better to do for yourself?